
This subject explores the theories of morality and Western ethics and their application in the exercise of moral judgement within an organisational and/or business context. Typical ethical dilemmas that may be faced by employers and employees, including human resource managers, are highlighted and explored. This subject also deals with the … For more content click the Read More button below.


Finding a Philosophy and Theory. Topics include: The nature of morality and business ethics; Western theories of ethics and philosophy; and Moral judgments in human resource management.People, Profit, Planet in action. Topics include: Corporate agency and moral responsibility; Organisational ethics and relations with staff; and Organisational ethics and relations with … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically analyse the nature of morality, through applying the main Western theories of ethics and evaluate the impact of these theories on ethical dilemmas faced by managers;
be able to explain the concepts and evaluate the debate relating to corporate agency and the moral responsibility of organisations;
be able to identify and compare the characteristics and practices of an ethical and an unethical organisation in terms of its relations with all stakeholders;
be able to investigate the nature of conflict in organisations and analyse theoretical approaches to conflict resolution;
be able to apply the problem-solving model of conflict resolution (the win/win approach) to an organisational or business situation; and
be able to recommend organisational arrangements that need to be put in place when dealing with conflict resolution both in the workplace and at an industry level.

Assumed knowledge

Assumed knowledge for this subject is similar to that covered in HRM502.

Enrolment restrictions

Postgraduate students only