
The area of contemporary workplace relations in Australia is examined from an employer, employee, industry association, government and union perspective in order to better understand the key stakeholders and the critical dynamics between them. The background, history and theory of Australian workplace relations are also covered in this subject, along … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to employee relationsAn Australian historical contextTheories of employee relationsGovernments, the law and employee relationsEmployer and employee relationsHuman Resource Management and employee relationsUnions and employee relationsIndustry/Business Associations, employee relations and international comparisonsInternational ComparisonsPossible Future Evolutions

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to define and explain employee relations, its key stakeholders, and their role and dynamics within the employment relationship and the human resource management field;
be able to identify the key historical and theoretical developments in Australian workplace relations in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, and contextualise how these influence the discipline today;
be able to compare, contrast and critique features of Australian workplace relations practices with other international markets, and with contemporary Australian expectations and realities, including possible future directions for the field; and
be able to reflect on and evaluate workplace relations best practices with real workplace contexts and plan and strategise changes and improvements.

Assumed knowledge

It is assumed students will have completed MGT100