
This subject requires students to critique professional and cross disciplinary practice in specific areas of human services work using a problem based learning strategy. Students will develop critical knowledge of evidence based professional practice and develop leadership strategies for enhancing the evidence base of professional knowledge and skills in their … For more content click the Read More button below.


building critical knowledge in professional human services practicedeveloping inter-disciplinary knowledge and understanding of professional practiceevidence based evaluation of assessment, planning, implementation and review in professional human services practiceproblem based research and learning in professional human services practicesupervision and mentoring of professional human services practicedeveloping professional practice under operational constraints

Assessment items

1. Essay
2. Leadership Challenge Report

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the historical and contemporary knowledge base of professional practice in the area of interest they study
be able to demonstrate an ability to contribute to the further development of evidence based knowledge in their area of professional practice
be able to demonstrate an ability to effectively use this knowledge base for the development of their own professional practice and that of others
be able to evaluate the practice of other professionals against meaningful evidence based practice criteria
be able to implement the fundamental elements of supervision and mentoring of other professionals' practice development
be able to critically reflect on the legal, organisational, political and societal influences upon the exercise of professional judgement and decisionmaking

Enrolment restrictions

For post graduate students enrolled in Masters level coursework programs only.