This subject critically explores social work practice in contemporary mental health contexts. Clinical knowledge and skills relevant to planning and conducting assessments and therapeutic interventions for a range of mental health conditions will be examined. Practice approaches that ensure respectful working partnerships with a diverse range of individuals and groups … For more content click the Read More button below.
Understanding and defining mental health, diagnosis and prevalence of mental health disordersThe mental health practice context - the service system, policy and legislationWorking in partnership with individuals and familiesRecovery oriented principles and practiceUnderstanding common mental health conditionsSocial work assessment and therapeutic treatment optionsCross cultural social work in mental healthRural and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Reflection portfolio
2. Critical discussion essay
3. Case study discussion paper
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to work in partnership with individuals, families, carers and other organisations to promote and respond to mental health and wellbeing;
be able to critically reflect on professional practice in contemporary mental health contexts;
be able to respectfully plan and conduct assessments and interventions relevant to common mental health conditions; and
be able to understand the mental health system and the various roles that social workers play in these environments.