
This subject provides an introduction to the welfare sector in Australia and to concepts and issues underpinning welfare practice, past and present. It will advance students' knowledge and skills in professional human services work as well as enhance the students' capacity to critically analyse and reflect on current practice. An … For more content click the Read More button below.


Overview of human services and welfare practices is AustraliaOrientation to welfare servicesService delivery systems and organisationsEcological framework to human services and implications for practiceImpacts and complexity of poverty and disadvantageProfessional knowledge base, values and ethics,Fields of practice across the lifespan, cultures and genders

Assessment items

1. Essay
2. Case study

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an advanced understanding of, and critically assess the characteristics of professional human services, including a knowledge base, and core values and ethics;
be able to demonstrate advanced understanding of, and critically assess, welfare in Australia, including the history of human services, contemporary approaches to welfare provision and issues underpinning welfare;
be able to demonstrate an advanced understanding of the impacts and complexity of, and critically assess the origin of poverty and social exclusion;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of an ecosocial framework to human services and implications for practice

Enrolment restrictions