
This is the first communication subject relating to work in the Human Services and is for students who have either not studied at university previously, and/or require further orientation to communicating in the Human Services profession. The subject incorporates the concepts of being, thinking and doing, and provides challenging learning … For more content click the Read More button below.


Module 1: Foundations for study/ ethos of scholarship/ academic and professional standards/ adult communication management modelModule 2: Intra-self communication/ values and ethics in the Human Services/ critical thinking and reasoningModule 3: Inter-personal communication/ thinking, being, doing/ information synthesis and analysisModule 4: Trans-systems communication/ structured, systemic, and lateral thinking/ double-loop learningModule … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Initial research & investigation task
2. Online presentation [PPT to WIKI or Blog]
3. Final learning stage - critical reflections

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an ability to study in an academic environment by applying basic principles of learning and research required for university study
be able to demonstrate an identification with, and have a basic understanding of, the values needed in the Human Services and an understanding of own values and approaches
be able to communicate in writing as required for successful university study and a career in the Human Services
be able to demonstrate the acquisition of introductory skills in critical thinking, critical reasoning, research and various forms of communicating in an academic environment
be able to apply knowledge of the different levels of communication competence, including intra-personal, inter-personal, trans-systems, and extra-dimensional layers, to study and work in the Human Services.