This subject focuses on development of professional practice knowledge and skills to be able to work ethically and in partnership with older people in health and human services contexts in Australia. A bio-psycho-sociocultural approach to ageing and professional practice is utilised. A number of contemporary practice models applicable to contexts … For more content click the Read More button below.
Contemporary models of professional practice with older adults and familiesCultural issues of ageing in AustraliaImpact of colonisation and policy on older First Nations Australians and communitiesIndigenist Standpoint Theory - what are Indigenous Australian's approaches to ageing and what can we learnWorking alongside Indigenous Australian communitiesInterdisciplinary collaborative practicesEthical practice and application … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Critical Reflection Journal
2. Interdisciplinary Health Promoting Plan
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Examine, compare and evaluate a range of professional practice models and ethical approaches to working in partnership with older adults, their families and in collaboration with other health and human services professionals
Critically evaluate the impact of historical events and policies in relation to the health and wellbeing of older First Nations Australians and their communities, drawing on decolonising approaches and Indigenist Standpoint theory
Critically reflect on contemporary professional practice models and develop an individual practice model that incorporates principles of cultural awareness including Yindyamarra Winhanganha that is applicable to professional practice with older adults.
Analyse, reflect on and critique own current professional practice, identify opportunities for interdisciplinary communication and collaboration and plan for future professional development