This subject is designed to show students that ageing is an individual experience. The subject introduces age related biological and social factors that influence the health and wellbeing of each individual older adult. The subject promotes examination of prevailing social attitudes about ageing and the impact these have on choices, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Biopsychosocial frameworks, including social constructions of ageingSocial determinants of health and ageingPhysical and cognitive changes associated with ageingOverview of formal and informal health, aged care and support systems for older adults
Assessment items
1. Reflection Portfolio
2. Case study
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss the social construction of ageing and the impact that this can have on choices, opportunities and wellbeing in later life;
be able to compare individual experiences of ageing through a biopsychosocial perspective;
be able to apply their knowledge of the individual experience of ageing to reflect on the Australian health and aged care systems; and
be able to apply their knowledge of the individual experience of ageing to reflect on their own attitudes to older people.