This subject is designed to transition students into undergraduate study. Students will be supported to develop the confidence, knowledge and practical skills necessary to succeed in a higher education environment, both online and face to face. The subject enables students to become independent learners through the active use of university … For more content click the Read More button below.
University services and systemsAcademic integrity and ownership of knowledgeTime management tools and strategies in the university contextGoal-setting tools and strategies in the university contextStudy skills and strategies for specific learning and assessment tasksDeveloping a personal learning plan
Assessment items
1. Time Management Planner
2. Learning Strategies
3. Establishing Long Term Goals
4. Personal Learning Plan
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is an elective for the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation. Students in other courses who wish to enrol in this subject can only do so with the approval of the Course Director of their substantive course and with the approval of the courses Director and Head of School delegations Enabling Courses.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students do not require resources other than those itemised in the standard university course enrolment communication.