
This subject will examine literature experiences and practices in digital environments and the principles of interactivity, connectivity and access that now characterise the reading experience in the digital age. Learning and information behaviours; dynamic non-linear hyperlinked environments; and forms and formats on various devices, will be examined to understand the … For more content click the Read More button below.


The subject will cover the following topics: Trends and developments in formats, interfaces, tools and storageLearning and teaching with online tools and reading devicesInteractive narrative and multimodal texts and interfacesDigital storytelling and multi-sensory digital experiencesInteractive fiction and non-fiction authoring toolsPolicy and practice for managing reading devices in schools

Assessment items

2. Experiencing Digital Literature
4. Digital Storytelling Project and Reflection

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically discuss current and emerging text and literacy experiences in digital environments for learning and teaching;
be able to explain the features of literature and literacy in a digital environment, including information and knowledge transactions;
be able to explain the value of digital storytelling in context, and apply appropriate tools and strategies to learning;
be able to critically discuss current and future developments in social-networked literature, including content creation, collaboration, interfaces and experiences;
be able to design and create a digital artefact or publication for online and mobile learning environments;
be able to incorporate digital media texts into reading and literacy experiences in the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of learners; and
be able to explain issues in managing copyright, digital rights and licensing to manage literary devices, resources and services.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students who have completed INF533 as it shares similar content.