
This subject examines K-6 curriculum documents for science and technology and requires students to work collaboratively in designing and developing a science and technology program of learning for school students in Years K-6. Students will apply their knowledge of learning theory, lesson and unit design and assessment of, and for, … For more content click the Read More button below.


The role, place and importance of Science and Technology K-6 in the broader school curriculumThe NSW Science and Technology K-6 (2017) syllabus incorporating the Australian CurriculumLearning across the curriculum content in Science and Technology K-6Pedagogical approaches and their application to learning in Science and Technology K-6Constructivist views of learning and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Programming for S&T in the primary school
2. Digital Learning Resource

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to interpret Science and Technology K-6 curriculum and syllabus documents for NSW or the Australian Curriculum;
be able to design and produce a digital resource and explain how its use will facilitate children's learning of Science and Technology K-6 syllabus outcomes, content and processes;
be able to identify opportunities to embed literacy, digital literacy and numeracy in teaching and learning activities for Science and Technology K-6;
be able to use a range of assessment for learning strategies in K-6 Science and Technology lessons;
be able to apply models of pedagogy within a Science and Technology K-6 program, including inquiry based and project based learning; and
be able to design a detailed teaching program that develops childrens' knowledge and understanding in Science and Technology K-6 through the skills of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production.

Assumed knowledge

Students will have completed SCI102 prior to completing this subject.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students who have completed EMS406.