In this subject students will develop professional skills in the appreciation and critical evaluation of literature through immersion in a wide variety of genres, explicit instruction in theories and frameworks, critical analysis of research and reflexive transformation of their practice. Exploration requires movement from the known to the unknown and … For more content click the Read More button below.
The role of literature in our lives: Exploring literature
relationships between literary texts and teachersrelationships with literacy and languagerelationships with historical, cultural and social contextsrelationships between literary texts and students
Approaches to literature in education: Investigating literature
Ethical considerations when selecting and studying texts from Indigenous or minority voices?Engaging young … For more content click the Read More button below.
Moving into the unknown: Literature in the curriculum now and in the future
class, culture, identity and discourses of literature in official curriculumbalancing curriculum requirements and classroom realitiesStories from the coal faceLiterary texts and schools of the future
Assessment items
1. Digital Anthology
2. Literature study as curriculum inquiry
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Understand the unique and essential role of literature in the curriculum of the twenty-first century.
Demonstrate a grounded understanding of narratology and literary theory.
Exhibit professional judgement and creativity in the selection of literary texts.
Enrolment restrictions
Available to students in the Master of Education