Leaders have a powerful influence on the quality of early childhood education (ECE) programs, yet many challenges exist for leadership development within ECE. Challenges include inadequate preparation for positional leadership roles, few opportunities for professional development for emerging leaders, and an absence of workforce planning for cultivating leaders within the … For more content click the Read More button below.
Social, political and economic history of early childhood education
Current social, political and economic context of and for early childhood educationContext for leading and leadership in ECEInfluence of leadership on ECE sites, the profession, and the sectorPurpose and philosophical position of leading and leadership
Challenges and opportunities for the emergence … For more content click the Read More button below.
Existing opportunities in the emergence and cultivation of leading and leadership in ECEExisting challenges for the emergence and cultivation of leading and leadership in ECEDisrupting challengesEnabling leadership emergence and building agency for leading
Theory and practice
Leadership theory and the unique nature of ECE leadership theory in practiceTheoretical developments and application of theory in practiceDeveloping original thinking and personal stance on leading and leadershipCreating dynamic presentations and asserting perspectives
Assessment items
1. EPortfolio-Analysis and Reflection Using the Dialogic Method
2. Theoretical Inquiry and Standpoint on Leadership Identity
Assumed knowledge
Assumed knowledge is gained through an undergraduate education degree, specifically early childhood education.
Enrolment restrictions
Only available to students in the Master of Education.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Resources for the development of E-Portfolios
Pebblepad https://www.csu.edu.au/division/learning-teaching/learning-technology/resource-creation/e-portfolio-pebble-pad
The following are considered foundational to any subject in early childhood education:
Early Childhood Australia. (2016). Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics Early Childhood Australia.
Unicef. (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. https://www.unicef.org/child-rights-convention