
This subject focuses on and explores significant theory, concepts and developments in the study and practice of education. Students' study, discussion and research is situated around the aims and purposes of education, social justice, ethics, citizenship, and social sustainability. In today's world, teachers' work is increasingly complex. Teachers must therefore … For more content click the Read More button below.


Theories for educational practiceGender and SexualityDestabilising privilegeEthnicity and social classReflective and reflexive practicePhilosophy of educationAims of purposes of educationEthical principles, reasoning and decision makingThinking as argumentPedagogies for critical, caring and collaborative thinkingEducations role in sustainable and flourishing societies

Assessment items

1. Discussion board posts: Reading summary & mindmap
2. Discussion board post: Fieldwork poster
3. Discussion board posts: Teaching Ethics
4. Reflection: Educational Philosophy

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to examine current literature to gain a critical perspective which will inform practice;
be able to communicate abstract and complex theoretical ideas and arguments to a professional audience;
be able to discuss and evaluate current theory and research;
be able to recognise and interpret how structural influences affect equity, access, and social justice in education;
be able to explore positionality through reflection and reflexive practice as students and educators;
be able to apply ethical decision making and reasoning to discussions in education;
be able to discuss the role of education in global and sustainable futures; and
be able to apply knowledge into educational practice and settings.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students enrolled in EEP505.