
This subject investigates principles, practices and policies underpinning educational transitions, with particular focus on the transitions made by children and families as they commence attendance in educational settings outside the home. Transitions are recognised as times of educational and social change for all involved: children, families, educators, other professionals and … For more content click the Read More button below.


- Transitions: The Big Picture. - Theory, Research and Practice: What do they tell us about transitions? - Considering Context: An ecological perspective. - Catering for Different Needs. - The 'Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How' of Transitions. - Theory into Practice: Workplace and community implementations.

Assessment items

1. Transitions Practices Audit
2. Professional Planning Package

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
identify the issues surrounding transitions for children and families moving from home to early childhood settings, and from early childhood settings to school;
critically analyse current theory, research and practice to gain an understanding of the needs of children and families in transitions;
be aware of the multiple contexts for, and which influence, transitions for children and families, incorporating an ecological theoretical perspective;
have an ability to identify, and cater for, the different needs of children and families in transition, including children from rural and remote, low SES and Indigenous communities; culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; and children with special and complex support needs;
identify, develop and justify an appropriate range of pedagogical strategies to support educational transitions; and
focus on the application of knowledge to the educational workplaces and to the community settings in which they are working.