
This subject focuses on the principles and practices of the profession of teaching and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, and their relationship and alignment with the CSU Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs). The subject provides students with the opportunity to critically engage with key ideas about the CSU GLOs in … For more content click the Read More button below.


Conceptions of successful teaching and successful teachersThe Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - origins and applicationsThe Quality Teaching Framework and classroom applicationsThe relationship of the CSU Graduate Learning Outcomes to teachingAddressing the diverse learning needs of students in classroom teaching and learningTypes of professional knowledge in the profession of teaching … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Professional Knowledge Conversation & Analysis
2. Student Learning Activities

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to analyse professional teaching principles and practices, including effective teaching and learning strategies;
be able to examine and assess a range of teaching and learning strategies, including ICT, that engage students in their learning;
be able to design and develop a sequence of learning activities using knowledge of effective teaching and learning strategies and resources;
be able to incorporate a range of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication strategies in the planning of learning activities to support student engagement;
be able to explain the foundations of literacy and numeracy teaching and learning, and design effective strategies for their application and differentiation in teaching areas;
be able to explain the ways core teaching and learning strategies can be adapted for diverse classroom settings in a curriculum area; and
be able to apply knowledge and skills related to research, and examine professional practices for teaching core literacy and numeracy skills.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Educational Studies, Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary), Bachelor of Education (K-12), Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education), Bachelor of Outdoor Education, Bachelor of Education (Technology and Applied Studies), Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Industry Entry courses, Bachelor of Arts (Humanities Pathway to Teaching), Master of Teaching (Primary) and the Master of Teaching (Secondary). This subject is not available to students who have completed EED502.
