Students will reflect on their learning throughout the Masters course, consider the transformation that has taken place in their thinking and their professional practice, and draw this learning together to inform their future professional practice. The subject also provides the opportunity for students to identify an issue or challenge in … For more content click the Read More button below.
Understanding education, understanding learning. Refinement/development of teaching/learning philosophyPraxis and praxis developmentProfessional learning of self and othersAgency and actionWhere to from here?
Assessment items
1. Literature review/report/essay
2. Plan for addressing key issue in professional practice informed by teaching/learning philosophy
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Critically reflect on learning throughout the Masters course to inform your own philosophy of teaching
Synthesize and evaluate understandings developed throughout the Masters course to inform present and future educational practices
Analyse relevant research, scholarship and professional practice to inform future educational practices of self and others
Generate, collect, analyse and apply evidence to inform context specific approaches to educational/learning situations.
Assumed knowledge
Students should have an understanding of concepts in EER504 prior to enrolment. Assumed knowledge is gained through also completing other subjects in the Master of Education course.
Enrolment restrictions
Available to students in the Master of Education
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students will be required to:
Access and use a range of resources.
Engage with the online platform (BrightSpace) - which includes written material, images, and video.
Engage in reflection, analysis and evaluation