This subject will provide an in-depth study of the key aspects of customs reform and modernization including the rationale for modernisation, the relevant international conventions and agreements and best practice responses to external pressure to reform from the trading environment and the heightened focus on customs performance.
Pressures for reformo International Trading Environmento Trade Transaction costso IntegrityPlanning for Reformo Planning a Customs reform program ? Change Managemento Leadership and strategic planningo GovernancePrinciples of Reformo Techniques for Reformo Policy, Practice & Process RedesignInitiating Reformo Implementing a Customs Reform Programo External cooperation and partnership
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain and discuss critically the key concepts and rationale for customs reform and modernisation in the context of the otherwise negative impact on international trade flows and border regulation;
be able to locate and use key international instruments and research appropriate best practice responses to reform and modernisation and apply that research to practical and theoretical situations that they may face as border regulators and/or managers;
be able to identify and explain the practical impact on border regulation and management of the key concepts and the international trade obligations relating to reform and modernisation including identifying the major impediments to the change process and the techniques and strategies for design and implementation of a successful program of organisational change; and
be able to formulate appropriate and well-developed approaches to border policy, practice and procedure relating to reform and modernisation and to be able to communicate those approaches to others.