
This subject focuses on ‘people at work' through the development and application of a personal reflection on diversity, tolerance and forms of bias; Australian Indigenous Cultural Competency; and the development of cultural competence in general. The Indigenous Australian content in this subject builds on students' completion of IKC101 and considers … For more content click the Read More button below.


Ethics, power and valuesIndigenous Australian Content in Courses (IACC)The Indigenous business sectorCultural competenceUnderstanding diversity, tolerance and biasLanguage and communication in a diverse workplace

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an understanding of Australian Indigenous perspectives and contributions to workplace and business practices;
be able to present an integrated view of the various disciplines of business: to understand how a multi-disciplinary perspective can be used to address issues relevant to Australian Indigenous communities;
be able to use self and professional critical reflexivity to develop discipline specific and culturally appropriate skills for working effectively with Indigenous Australian and a range of diverse colleagues, clients, businesses, persons and/or communities;
be able to reflect on and question personal values and ethics in developing a social justice lens, and in relation to areas such as tolerance, forms of bias, diversity and power;
be able to use appropriate language and communication strategies to inform the resolution of workplace challenges related to cultures or diversity; and
be able to evaluate and reflect on personal and professional development.

Enrolment restrictions

Available only to Study Centre students and other students unable to take BUS385, with the approval of the Course Director and the Sub Dean Workplace Learning.
