
This subject allows students to study business, society and culture in an international setting during a study tour. The tour can include visits to businesses, government agencies, NGOs local institutions and authorities. The subject provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of these areas in a cross-cultural environment.


Cultural diversity and doing business in the local setting;Local institutions and business organisations;Local economic and political history and future outlook;Creating a business within the local rules and regulatory framework;Economic and financial environment; andChallenges, opportunities and current events relevant to the study tour destination.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically evaluate the operations of real life international and local organisations;
be able to compare different aspects of international projects in culturally diverse environments;
be able to differentiate between the norms in business, culture and society of the host country and Australia;
be able to independently undertake and examine the impact of their experience in the international context.

Enrolment restrictions

Enrolment is restricted to students participating in an International Short-term Program.
