The subject provides an overview of context within which enquiry is undertaken, and a grounding in key research traditions, paradigms and methodologies relevant to the disciplines of the arts and social sciences. Candidates select two particular methodologies and study their application in depth.
Research traditions and paradigms of the arts and social sciencesSelecting methodologies for particular investigationsInterpretivist approachesCritical theoryPositivist social scienceMixed methods approachesIndigenous research methodologiesCreative inquiryEvaluating the application of methods
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of key research traditions and paradigms in the arts and social sciences;
be able to critique the application of research methodologies, assess its effectiveness in specific contexts, and identify design limitations; and
be able to successfully apply the methods and approaches of particular research methodologies adopted by the arts and social sciences.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is only available to students studying courses at AQF levels 8-9.