
In this subject, plays from contemporary Australian theatre are studied through the lens of colonisation - with particular focus on Australian Indigenous and other cultural contexts. Special attention is paid to periods of intensive activity in playwriting and the role of theatre in reflecting constructed Australian cultural standpoints. Students read … For more content click the Read More button below.


Australian settler playwrights and theatre since 1788Australian theatre in focus 1930 - presentFirst Nations performance in Australia before colonisationFirst Nations performance since colonisationFirst Nations theatre in focus 1960s to presentProtocols and policies affecting cultural, LGBTQIA+ and abilities diverse storytelling on Australian stagesCritical whiteness and performance theory informing study of Australian … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to investigate the development of Australian theatre in a colonised land: with special reference to the relationship between Australian First Nations theatre and performance and theatre created by settler Australians;
be able to apply, evaluate and compare Australian theatre forms, practices and issues - including approaches to decolonisation of Australian stages;
be able to apply the position of contemporary Australian theatre practice within Australian and global arts industries; and
be able to identify, acknowledge and analyse the construction of Australian cultural standpoints with respect to: Indigenous Australian perspectives, experiences of migrants and people of colour, class difference, sexual orientation and gender.

Enrolment restrictions
