This subject provides an insight into the accounting issues associated with the global business environment. It provides an overview of the importance of international accounting and management control to the multinational enterprise and an analysis of the reasons for the diversity of operations in accounting practices across the world. The … For more content click the Read More button below.
introduction to international accountingmanagement control of multinational companiesdiversity, classification and consequences of international accounting standards and practiceharmonization of international accounting and international accounting standardsfinancial statement analysisaccounting for foreign currency transactionstranslation of foreign currency financial statementsaccounting for inflation and changing market prices
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically discuss the importance of accounting to international businesses;
be able to investigate and appraise the role of management in controlling multinational businesses;
be able to explain the reasons for diversity and evaluate the ways of classifying international accounting practices;
be able to critically discuss the drivers of international harmonization of accounting practice;
be able to critically evaluate the usefulness of financial reports prepared by multinational enterprises;
be able to analyse the issues involved with foreign currency transactions and translate foreign currency financial statements.
Enrolment restrictions
Available to students completing the Bachelor of Business Studies - China program only