
The subject looks at community as a means of addressing social, environmental and economic problems in a globalising world which is seeing a strong social and political push for action to be taken by local communities. Starting from the perspectives of local professionals and active citizens, the subject applies sociological … For more content click the Read More button below.


Part 1 - Introduction:- Topic 1: Introduction to community analysis, questions the definition of community and what constitutes a community. - Topic 2: Methodologies in community analysis, examines ways in which communities have been examined using quantitative and qualitative research strategies.Part 2 - Sociological Theory of Community: - Topic 3, … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Peer engagement activity
2. Sociological Community Analysis

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to understand sociological ways of describing and investigating communities
be able to understand some of the sociological theories that have been developed to help us understand the variety of forms of community we have in our society
be able to explain sociological research about communities clearly in writing
be able to think critically about community
be able to apply sociological theory and concepts to real world cases of issues that occur in communities

Enrolment restrictions

Not for students who have successfully completed SOC3033 or SOC-3084