
This subject examines both theoretical and practical issues in psychological testing. This subject will address basic psychometric issues in the field of testing such as test construction, test reliability and test validity. Students will gain familiarity with a range of psychological tests and experience in test evaluation, administration and scoring.


Nature and uses of psychological testsCriticisms and misuses of testsSocial and ethical considerationsNorms and the interpretations of test scoresReliabilityValidityItem analysis and test constructionGeneral nature and uses of intelligence testsThe IQ debateAchievement testsTesting in multicultural settingsOccupational testingClinical testingPersonality tests

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an understanding of test theory and test construction;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of test reliability and validity;
be able to evaluate test reliability and validity;
be able to demonstrate a sound understanding of psychological tests and their uses;
be able to apply knowledge of psychometric theory to evaluate a test; and
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the professional standards and ethical issues that apply to psychological testing.

Assumed knowledge

PSY101 and PSY102

Enrolment restrictions

Students may not complete PSY454 and PSY204 in the same award.