
This is the second of two field education subjects in the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Integrated Honours. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate professional practice skills, knowledge and values and develop their social work identity in a different practice setting and field of practice from their first placement, under ā€¦ For more content click the Read More button below.


Students will undertake a structured, individualised syllabus of experiential learning in an approved real world work site under the supervision of a qualified social worker with a minimum of two years practice experienceStudents must complete the balance of hours required to meet the 1,000 hours of total supervised field education ā€¦ For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate the achievement of entry level standards of professional practice according to the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) Social Work Practice Standards and Code of Ethics, as well as requirements for Field Education in the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards;
be able to engage with the standards with a focus on the assessment, intervention and evaluation stages of social work practice;
be able to formulate, define and evaluate individual learning objectives and performance measures drawn from the AASW practice standards in consultation with field educators and academics;
be able to design and implement professional methods of assessment, intervention and evaluation, demonstrating practice skills (including integration of theory into practice) and professional judgement;
be able to critically reflect on their own practice, values and knowledge of social work, and to identify strengths and areas for future development, consistent with a commitment to lifelong learning;
be able to clarify ethical issues in the placement context and apply ethical professional practice standards, in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics, to their own and others' practice;
be able to demonstrate and monitor sensitive communication practices (written, oral) that are appropriate to the professional context;
be able to identify and apply culturally sensitive practices in the professional placement context; and
be able to engage in the learning experience. This includes: a constructive supervision relationship with their field educator, ability to give and receive constructive feedback, and awareness of their own learning style based on Kolb's learning inventory.

Work integrated learning

Placement, Industry and/or community project, Research project, Fieldwork Duration 500 hours Details In this subject, workplace learning is undertaken across a year-long single session for 16 credit points. Students complete approximately 500 hours of experiential learning/professional practice under the supervision of an experienced, qualified social worker in a real workplace. ā€¦ For more content click the Read More button below.