
This unit introduces students to the relationship between the Union Customs Code (UCC) and the consequential responsibilities of the European customs services and traders in respect of goods crossing national borders. The unit examines the scope of the legislation; the procedural context; and the relevant policy and practice that results … For more content click the Read More button below.


The European Union­Background - A "Customs" Union­EU Treaties as sources of Customs Law­Other sources of International Customs Law European Union Customs­Development, need and strategies (simplicity, service and speed)­Modern concepts and approaches - integrated IT processes, interfaces and portals­Reducing the administrative burden for compliant entitiesEU Customs Legislation­The UCC and combined legislation … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and evaluate critically customs law issues and their implications for regulatory practice including customs procedures for compliant and trustworthy economic operators.
be able to demonstrate an ability to contribute to policy-making processes which impact on customs practice and procedure with appropriate reference to relevant UCC provisions and national application.
be able to make high level, independent judgements concerning the administration of customs procedures in conformity with the rules of European customs law
be able to analyse issues that may arise in the customs environment in the context of legal requirements
be able to apply and assess critically the principles of European customs law to situations that they may face as customs officials
be able to identify the sources of customs law including the UCC and key international instruments affecting Customs operations

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students in the Master of Customs Administration, Graduate Diploma of Customs Administration or the Graduate Certificate in Customs Administration who have completed or are undertaking CUS402.