This subject develops students' ability to utilise words, tone and body language to communicate messages powerfully using a range of media channels. Students will learn how media operates; skills to plan, prepare for and undertake simulated interview and develop the confidence to interact with media professionally. This subject will include … For more content click the Read More button below.
How media worksDeveloping an authentic media style - language, tone of voice and body languageInterview preparation and media skillsUnderstanding the media: proactive and reactive interviewsPersonal presentation skillsPreparing for Study Visits (Fieldwork)
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate use of words, tone and body language appropriate for a media channel;
be able to prepare for and undertake a simulated media interview; and
be able to confidently and effectively interact with media professionals.
Work integrated learning
Fieldwork Duration 20 hours Details Students will be using this time to prepare for and participate in a Study Visit with an industry partner.