This is a research subject available only to students enrolled in an appropriate Higher Degree by Research within the School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences. Students enrolled in this subject will work directly with their supervisory team to undertake an appropriate research project, culminating in completion of a thesis/dissertation … For more content click the Read More button below.
In this subject, students will undertake a research project in an appropriate field of research, under the guidance of the supervisory team.
Assessment items
1. Thesis/Dissertation
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate an expert level of theoretical knowledge and be able to critically reflect on that knowledge and it's applications;
systematically and critically evaluate relevant literature, philosophical approaches, and data collection and analysis techniques in the broad research field;
develop a research hypothesis or question that is soundly embedded in the context of the current body of knowledge in the field;
develop an appropriate conceptual framework and research design that forms the basis for the conduct of the research project;
independently plan and undertake an approved research project, including data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation, which leads to a highly substantial and original contribution of new knowledge to the research field in the form of a research thesis; and
demonstrate research, analytical, critical, reflection and communication skills through research outcomes such as seminar presentations and publication and/or thesis and/or portfolio submissions.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is available only to students enrolled in an appropriate Doctor of Philosophy degree in the School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences with Research Advisory Committee approval.