This subject explores mental health practice in the context of the global environmental crisis, which is having disproportionate impacts on human health and wellbeing. Conventional approaches to mental health based on Euro-Western ideology are challenged, and a holistic environmental framework is presented to include social and ecological dimensions. Drawing from … For more content click the Read More button below.
Holistic understandings of mental health and wellbeingImpacts of the global environmental crisis on mental healthDiscourses influencing environmental sustainability and mental health practiceAboriginal ways of knowing in mental healthPsychological responses to environmental loss and declineHolistic mental health framework for practice
Assessment items
1. Online multiple choice quiz
2. Essay - Exploration of Place in Mental Health
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe the holistic attributes of human wellbeing and mental health;
be able to identify a range of worldviews that influence environmental sustainability and holistic conceptualisations of mental health;
be able to explain the psychological and emotional responses to environmental loss and decline; and
be able to apply holistic environmental approaches to mental health practice, including being (ontology), thinking (epistemology) and doing (methodology).