
Comparative anatomy continues the study of normal body organs and structures undertaken in Veterinary Anatomy but extends it to study systems not studied in the dog including special senses and reproductive anatomy and of features of veterinary interest in a wide range of species including birds and wildlife.


Special sensesReproductive systemsRuminant anatomyEquine digestive anatomyEquine locomotor anatomyBirdsPigs and tylopdsRodents and lagomorphsFish amphibians and reptilesEmbryology

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be familiar with basic anatomy, how it develops embryologically and understand the relationship between form and function, for organs of special sense and for the reproductive systems of mammals.
be able to describe the normal structure, development and disposition of major organs and systems of veterinary significance of the following species. Ruminants, Horses, Chickens, Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles, Rodents and lagomorphs, Pigs and Tylopods.
be able to relate the anatomy of these animals to their lifestyles, particularly their feeding strategies.
be able to relate these major anatomical characteristics to superficial features on the body of live animals.
be able to integrate information from concurrent physiology subjects and apply this information to material covered in Comparative Anatomy.
be able to use information presented on these species to understand and explain the anatomy of a range of vertebrate species not specifically studied in this course.

Enrolment restrictions

Restricted to enrolment in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science,
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Bachelor of Veterinary Science
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)
