
This subject extends students' perceptions and understanding of the multi-disciplined nature of current image making practice using traditional and contemporary analogue and digital processes. Drawing to Design is the core of visual thinking that any designer or artist must have to be adaptable and flexible in their individual image development … For more content click the Read More button below.


Foundations of structural drawing; organisation of form and spatial relationshipsAppropriate selection and integration of traditional and contemporary analogue and digital tools, materials, and methods as fundamental to the development of ideas throughout the drawing and image making processThematic applications of analogue and digital media managing and exploring composition, perspective, line, … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Assessment 1: Exploring Compositions and Media
2. Assessment 2: Image Creation "Layered Image Book"
3. Assessment 3: Representing Identity

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evidence a capacity to appropriately apply, integrate and adapt analogue and digital media through concepts and innovative outcomes
be able to recognise, interpret and organise formal strategies of composition, perspective, line, tone, colour, size and shape variations to generate inventive, predetermined visual outcomes appropriate for a range of contexts
be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse and develop sequential or related developmental iterations to test idea and form towards complex resolved outcomes
be able to demonstrate the development of an individual image making practice closely informed by a complementary visual research processes based upon the philosophies and approaches of traditional and contemporary designers and artists in related fields of graphic design, illustration, animation, drawing, printmaking and photography amongst others
be able to demonstrate the ability to interpret and critically discuss their own and others work toward more developed understanding of the breadth of practice using design language and terminology