This subject expands on fundamental skills within visual communication by exploring what it means to make and read images. Through the consideration of diverse perspectives on a core problem, students will gain a deep appreciation of historical and contemporary creative practices. They will learn to develop and refine their own … For more content click the Read More button below.
The subject will cover the following topics
Introduction: the core problemVisual research strategies - finding and evaluatingCombining Semiotics and Multimodality: Learning from image, text and form as contentLearning from drafts - critically reviewing your own workExploration of visual artefacts as a means of communicationHow to critique and receive feedbackThe analysis … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to develop, maintain and complete creative projects in response to conceptual stimuli;
be able to interpret and critically approach visual problems, based on investigative research using historical and contemporary sources;
be able to combine image, text, and format to convey ideas and information;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the effect of different technologies upon processes and outcomes; and
be able to creatively respond to visually orientated conceptual problems.