
This subject provides an introduction to the creation and manipulation of photographic digital images (access to digital manipulation software is required eg: Photoshop). Students will develop an individual aesthetic through this process that is also informed by a survey of significant photographic images from the field.


introduction to perspectives on digital imaging;overview of contemporary computer generated artwork;image composition and aesthetics;digital manipulation with appropriate software;image acquisition;scanning images;introduction to the soft/hardware and the workings of the digital studio;occupational health & safety issues.

Assessment items

1. Manual Camera Functionality
2. Photomontage
3. Surrealism

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to competently acquire digital images and demonstrate an understanding of related hardware and software
be able to use current industry standard image processing/manipulation software
be able to demonstrate competent basic principles and workings of the digital camera
be able to demonstrate preliminary emergence of an individual photo-imaging aesthetic
be familiar with digital imaging terminology and practice