
This subject consolidates the studies completed in Biblical Hebrew 1 and 2. It entails a close examination of the grammatical and literary qualities of selected passages from the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as well as the completion of a substantial translation project demonstrating advanced proficiency in working with Biblical Hebrew.


Vocabulary for advanced Biblical Hebrew Advanced grammar and linguistic studiesComplex phrase and clause structuresLiterary and linguistic features of Biblical Hebrew narrative and poetryDiachronic features of Biblical Hebrew and its relationship to cognate languagesFeatures of narrative discourse in Biblical Hebrew Contextual dimensions of the translation processAdvanced reading and translation exercisesSubstantial translation … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Report on Hebrew Literary Devices
2. Applied Research on Hebrew Linguistics
3. Completed Translations
4. The Translation Committee Interactive Oral

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate proficiency in Biblical Hebrew and vocabulary;
demonstrate facility in translating Biblical Hebrew prose and poetic texts;
demonstrate familiarity with linguistic and literary features of Biblical Hebrew;
demonstrate skills in translation, including an ability to discuss critical issues involved in translation choices;
demonstrate use of the critical apparatus in critical editions of the Hebrew Bible;
demonstrate engagement with critical scholarship; and
demonstrate self-guided learning, including well developed research, writing, and communication skills.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students who have completed subject THL306 Biblical Hebrew 3 as this is a paired subject and shares similar content.
