
This subject examines the development, critique and reformulation of theological ideas regarding humanity and humanity's relation to God and creation. Traditional themes in theological anthropology are considered, including creation, the Imago Dei, sin, grace, salvation and vocation and are offered for understanding, analysis and critical evaluation. Historical formulations are brought … For more content click the Read More button below.


Biblical sources for theological anthropologyThe emergence, development and critique of doctrinal themes regarding the human person: creation, the Imago Dei, sin, grace, salvation, vocationModernist and postmodernist theological approaches to human difference such as feminist, ecological, postcolonial, queer and liberation discoursesDifferent contemporary methodological approaches to theological anthropologyContemporary perspectives on human vocation … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Essay 1
2. Essay 2

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate understanding of how humanity's relation to God and creation has been posited differently throughout the history of the Christian church;
identify and assess critically a range of contemporary methodologies in theological anthropology and their societal, cultural and philosophical influences;
demonstrate specialised research capacity in at least one area of theological anthropology;
demonstrate advanced cognitive and communication skills in consideration of a range of relevant literature; and
integrate a range of complex anthropological ideas, and demonstrate ability to derive a theological position against the background of human and theoretical difference.

Assumed knowledge

THL111/THL460 - Introduction to Christian TheologyTHL215/THL407 - Jesus the Christ

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available for students who have completed subject THL245 as this is a paired subject and shares similar content.
