
This subject introduces students to the discipline of Practical Theology in which theory and practice are considered together across a range of areas of ministry, mission, worship and pastoral care. It examines its relationship to the biblical, systematic and historical sub-disciplines in theology. Students will develop an understanding of what … For more content click the Read More button below.


Practical Theology as a method for studying and doing theologyPractical Theology as an activity of faith among disciplesPractical Theology as a discipline among scholarsPractical Theology in training for ministry

Assessment items

1. Personal reflection essay
2. Case study critical evaluation essay
3. Case study proposal

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the discipline of practical theology
articulate critically the relationship of practical theology to the biblical, systematic and historical sub-disciplines of theology
demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the implications of both a lay and ordained practice-based ministry and mission
articulate and evaluate critically methods for doing practical theology
describe and evaluate the foundational praxis models and to demonstrate initial skills in reflective practice
demonstrate self-guided learning, including advanced research, writing and communication skills

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed THL120 Practical Theology.
