
SPE211 provides a historical perspective on political social policy debates that helps us to understand contemporary developments in which social provisions are distributed and social conduct is regulated. The first part of this subject provides an introduction to politics, government and the Australian political system. This is aimed at providing … For more content click the Read More button below.


Part 1: Introduction to Politics: Political ideas and Ideologies; Liberal Democracy; Australian Democracy; The Constitution and Australian Federal Parliament; Political Parties.Part 2: Introduction to Social Policy: Defining Social Policy and Social Welfare; Origins and Developments of the Welfare State; Defence and Critique of the Welfare State; Australia Living Wage, Social … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Discussion Paper
2. Policy essay

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to understand the concepts of liberal and democratic as they relate to a Liberal democratic political system.
be able to demonstrate how Liberal Democratic Political Systems Enhance or limit the well being of citizens.
be able to demonstrate an understanding of rights and freedoms in a Liberal Democracy
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the impacts social policies can have on diverse sectors of the population.