
This subject develops knowledge and practical skills regarding the appropriate use of remote sensing image processing and analysis techniques. Topics include radiometric and geometric correction, vegetation analysis, image transformations, principle components analysis, unsupervised and supervised image classification techniques and image classification accuracy assessment. Image processing software is utilised to develop … For more content click the Read More button below.


Radiometric and geometric correction of remote sensing imageryRemote sensing vegetation analysisMethods for remote sensing image transformations: raster math and band ratiosPrinciple components analysis of remote sensing imagery Methods for remote sensing image classification: supervised and unsupervised techniquesAccuracy assessment and error analysis of remote sensing image classification results

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply and compare methods for geometric and radiometric correction of remote sensing data
be able to apply and compare remote sensing vegetation analysis methods
be able to apply and compare techniques for remote sensing image classification
be able to apply and describe methods for accuracy assessment and error analysis in remote sensing image classification outputs
be able to evaluate remote sensing image analysis techniques using published literature

Assumed knowledge

SPA217 OR SPA417 OR SPA441

Enrolment restrictions



Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Image processing software (ENVI) is used in this subject. Software is supplied.