
This subject provides an introduction to the sociological study of rural places, and the everyday lives of people who live and work in rural areas. Through specific emphasis on Australia, the subject examines the diverse meanings attached to 'The Rural', the influence of different ideas and policy approaches in shaping … For more content click the Read More button below.


Locating 'The Rural'Rural Economies and LivelihoodsRural Communities: Restructuring and RenegotiatingGovernance, Globalisation and the Sustainability of Rural SpacesTowards sustainable rural futures

Assessment items

1. Essay 1
2. Essay 2
3. Media analysis

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to recognise the processes, institutions and policy approaches that shape the social organisation of rural life;
be able to explain the implications of social and environmental change for rural people and places;
be able to understand the different frameworks through which sociologists and human geographers make sense of rural places and issues; and
be able to demonstrate skills in the written presentation of an argument, including the ways in which sociologists incorporate and acknowledge the ideas of other writers.