
This subject examines the descriptive and causal aspects of personality and individual differences. It explores the major approaches to the study of personality and current research in personality. The subject considers how each theory answers such basic questions as the nature of human personality and motivation, the process of personality … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to personality theoryPersonality research and assessmentTrait theories of personalityPsychodynamic theories of personalityHumanistic theories of personalityBehavioural and social learning theories of personalityCurrent research in personality The subject may also cover some of the following topics: Biological and evolutionary perspectives on personalityCognitive processes and personalityCulture and personalityPersonality disorders

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss some important theoretical issues in the study of personality
be able to outline the main techniques of personality assessment, basic psychometric concepts, (eg. reliability and validity), and describe various methods of test construction
be able to evaluate current research in personality, and describe the different research methods used
be able to discuss and evaluate a number of theories from the major traditions in personality theory, and apply these theories in describing behaviour
be able to think critically and with increased sophistication formulate independent opinions regarding issues in personality

Enrolment restrictions