This subject introduces you to historical and current conceptualisations of mental health and psychopathology. This subject will cover the aetiology/causes, diagnosis, and treatment of major classes of psychopathology across a diverse range of contexts and populations. It will take an integrative approach that considers biological, psychological, and sociocultural influences on … For more content click the Read More button below.
Historical and current conceptualisations of mental health and psychopathologyClassification, diagnosis, and treatments of a range of psychopathologiesBiological, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the major classes of psychopathology across a range of diverse populations and contextsMental health research methodologiesProfessional, ethical, and legal considerations in mental … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe historical and current conceptualisations of mental health and psychopathology
be able to identify appropriate diagnoses and treatments of the major classes of psychological disorders
be able to critically analyse the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors pertaining to the aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders across a range of diverse populations and contexts
be able to apply relevant professional, ethical, and legal standards to mental health practice and research contexts
Enrolment restrictions