This subject covers complex research designs used in psychological research, as well as the statistical techniques that deal with them. Advanced univariate and multivariate techniques such as Factorial Analysis of Variance, MANOVA, multiple regression, factor analysis and reliability of scales are investigated. Students learn how to use the SPSS statistical … For more content click the Read More button below.
Research Methods
Reliability Analysis
Factor Analysis
Factorial Analysis of Variance
Repeated Measures and Mixed Design Analysis of Variance
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
Multiple Regression Analysis
Use of SPSS Statistical Package to analyse research data in detail Interpretation of SPSS output.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain and critically evaluate the different types of research design used in psychological research and identify the strengths and weaknesses of different designs;
be able to identify the wide range of statistical procedures available to the researcher; and choose the most appropriate statistical procedures for a research design;
be able to interpret the analysis outputs of the statistical procedures covered in the subject;
be able to critically evaluate research papers both from a methodological and a statistical perspective;
be able to apply knowledge of statistics and methodology to undertake various key steps (e.g., design, data screening, preparation, analysis of data, and write-up of research results) in producing research of a high quality in an area of psychology; and
be able to apply knowledge of statistics and methodology in professional practice.
Enrolment restrictions