
This subject will develop an understanding of the relationship between government and policing, with particular emphasis on policing in liberal democracies. While the main focus will be on Australian police organisations and Australian governments, there will be some comparative analysis, including the relationship between policing and government in the USA … For more content click the Read More button below.


- the Australian system of government as it impacts on policing - origins of modern policing and its evolution in Australia - the relationship between policing and government - liberal democracy and the Australian system of government - accountability within the Australian system of government - implications of policing for … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain modern Australian policing in its institutional context
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between liberal democratic government and policing
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the sources of legitimacy of the police officer's role
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the Police Commissioner's role

Assumed knowledge

Not available to students who have completed POL101