This subject introduces students to surgery and the clinical use of local anaesthetic agents and other relevant medicines. The ethical and medico-legal implications of surgery will underpin students' study, with a strong emphasis on client selection, surgical assessment and post-operative care. This subject will also address general surgical principles, reinforcing … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
Module 1 – Local anaesthesia: local anaesthetic pharmacology; agents used in acute hypersensitivity.
Module 2 – Pre, peri and post-operative assessment: ethics and medico-legal implications of surgery; post-operative complications; therapeutic guidelines for the management of infection in surgery; anxiolytic drugs used in surgery.
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Assessment items
1. Local anaesthesia and surgery competence
2. Local anaesthesia test
3. Topic quizzes
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
explain the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of a range of amide local anaesthetic agents;
justify and administer topical and injectable local anaesthetics for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in podiatric practice;
evaluate the potential adverse effects, indications and contraindications for the use of local anaesthetic agents;
analyse the medico-legal and ethical issues associated with surgery;
evaluate pre-, peri- and post-operative management strategies;
demonstrate competence in infection control, universal precautions and clinical protocols relevant to surgery; and
demonstrate competence in nail surgery procedures, and knowledge of podiatric surgery techniques for the alleviation of pain.
Enrolment restrictions
Restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine; Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (Honours).
Work integrated learning
Duration 8 hours Details Participation in local anaesthesia tutorials and practical sessions (1 day is 8 hours). Participation in an anatomy workshop for in vitro nail surgery (1 hour).