
This subject provides students with a detailed understanding of the human developmental process, from conception to maturity. Students will study a range of paediatric conditions that podiatrists can assess, evaluate and manage as part of a holistic client centred approach to health. Students will be provided with the opportunity to … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Communication skills - presenting information to clients, care-givers and health professionals;Paediatric assessment;Recognising child abuse;Responsibility for mandatory reporting;Paediatric conditions - viral illness;Developmental disorders;Neurological disorders;Genetic conditions;Paediatric lower limb conditions;Joint pain in children;Diagnosis of a child who limps;Sports injuries;Material science;Introduction to padding and strapping of the … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Paediatric health promotion
2. Paediatric health promotion
3. Orthomechanics task
4. Case-based exam

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
apply knowledge of normal physical, cognitive, social and emotional development - from conception to maturity - to a range of diagnostic scenarios;
assess, diagnose and manage a range of paediatric conditions that may present in podiatric practice;
analyse the legal and ethical considerations relevant to podiatric practice including their role as a mandatory reporter;
apply knowledge of the therapeutic modalities used in biomechanical case management including: theories of orthotic therapy; non-casting and casting techniques; splinting; footwear prescription; and adjunctive physical therapies to develop appropriate management plans for their clients; and
demonstrate effective communication skills for holistic client centred health management.

Enrolment restrictions

Restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine.
