This subject is an introduction to physics suitable both as a basis for further studies in this field and for students whose major interest is in other areas. It gives a basic level of training in the topics of classical mechanics, elasticity, fluids and thermodynamics. The approach uses calculus as … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
Measurement, vectors, motion equations, projectile motion, uniform circular motion. Newtons Laws of Motion, friction, inertial forces, gravitational forces, work, energy, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, impulse, collisions;Rotational motion, rotational quantities as vectors, motion equations, relation between linear and angular quantities, torque and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles determining the behaviour of bodies which are subjected to forces and/or torques;
appreciate the elastic behaviour of materials;
demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles determining the behaviour of fluids;
solve quantitative and numerical problems using the concepts developed in the study;
appreciate the factors operating at the microscopic and macroscopic levels which determine the behaviour of materials and their response to a change in temperature;
conduct experiments which demonstrate some of the concepts developed during the study; and
present experimental results in an acceptable manner, indicating the likely sources and magnitudes of any errors involved.
Learning activities
Intensive School