
This subject delves into the complexities of moral and rational decision-making. We start by examining how recent advances in psychology impact moral theorizing. We will consider, for example, the effects of cognitive bias on the reliability of moral intuitions and how neuroscience, particularly brain imaging studies, informs our understanding of … For more content click the Read More button below. Please note this subject is only offered in years ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.


Cognitive biasNeuroscience and moralityThe unity of moralityMoral enhancementPractical reasoningDecision theoryExperimental investigation of decision makingTransformative choiceDecision-making under empirical and moral uncertainty

Assessment items

1. Essay 1
2. Essay 2

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Demonstrate an understanding of the major philosophical approaches to practical reason and decision making;
Critically evaluate the main philosophical theories concerning the relation between reasons and values; and
Determine the philosophical significance of recent findings in neuroscience and psychology.