
This subject completes the students' comprehensive education in Radiation Therapy in preparation for the 4th year residency. Students undertake a 6 week clinical placement. Students explore the more advanced range of treatment regimes and patient cases; including but not limited to complex modulated cases, multi-isocentric techniques, multi-lesion treatments, and will … For more content click the Read More button below.


the principles and practices that apply to more advanced radiation therapy techniques;radiation therapy treatment plans for a more advanced range of treatment regimes and patient cases including but not limited to complex modulated cases, multi-isocentric techniques, multi-lesion treatments,;simulation of more advanced clinical treatment;communication in a team with peers and with … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate critical, analytical, and reflective skills in a range of contexts including clinical problem solving, research and empirical practice, and academic and professional discourse (MRPBA Domains 1-5);
be able to implement professional practice, demonstrating critical thinking and analytical skills, with specific reference to applying anatomy, physiology and pathology, applying the principles of physics and instrumentation, utilising patient information management systems, determining appropriate procedures, and manage / manipulate 3D datasets (MRPBA Domain 1);
be able to evaluate and implement outcomes of patient assessment and due diligence to deliver appropriate care inclusive of appropriate management in the event of deteriorating patient condition, urgent and/or unexpected findings (MRPBA Domain 1);
be able to apply understanding of practice in radiation therapy, demonstrating critical thinking and analytical skills, with specific reference to appropriate use of stabilisation devices, application of treatment simulation techniques, knowledge and application of treatment planning and dosimetry, implement CT imaging and implementation of treatment techniques according to approved plans (MRPBA Domain 1C);
be able to apply the principles of radiation safety and risk management with specific reference to safe radiation practice, protecting/enhancing patient safety, ensuring safe operation of equipment, maintain safety of self and others and safely managing radiation and radioactivity (MRPBA Domain 5);
be able to explain and apply the principles of evidence based practice and professional learning with specific reference to critical and reflective thinking to resolve clinical challenges and identifying professional learning needs / life-long learning (MRPBA Domain 4);
be able to demonstrate communication and collaboration skills with specific reference to clear, sensitive and effective communication and collaborating with other health practitioners (MRPBA Domain 3);
be able to identify, explain and implement professional and ethical conduct with specific reference to global citizenship, ethical, professional and legal practices, providing appropriate care, assuming accountability and responsibility, and patient advocacy (MRPBA Domain 2);
be able to understand, explain and apply principles of Indigenous cultural competence and safety within the context of patient care and advocacy (MRPBA Domain 2 and 3);
be able to synthesise and critically evaluate information to implement social, economic and environmental sustainable practices. Understand the use of CT, MRI, and PET in the localisation of a range of cancer sites, patient presentations, and related planning procedures. (MRPBA Domain 1.3c);
be able to operate equipment and apply knowledge of laboratory procedures to practice as required. (MRPBA Domain 1.3d);
be able to understand the processes of peer assessment, standard setting, mentorship, and developmental support to other members of the healthcare team. (MRPBA Domain 2.5a); and
be able to identify and make appropriate decisions about the care of patients before, during, and after the examination/treatment. (MRPBA Domain 1.7d and 2.3a).

Enrolment restrictions

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy)

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 210 hours Details Students undertake 6 weeks (30 days) of practicumat approved clinical sites.  These sites are recognised by Medical Radiation Practice Board Australia (MRPBA). These sites may be rural, regional or metropolitan.InPlace software is used by both students and clinical supervisors for recording and reporting clinical experiences … For more content click the Read More button below.