
This subject examines how to change behaviour or firmly held beliefs in a manner that benefits individuals and society at large through the application of social marketing campaigns. Examples of social and sustainability marketing areas include, campaigns to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption, recycling, the climate change debate, farm management … For more content click the Read More button below.


Defining social marketing and a 10 step planning model for social marketing campaignsRole of market researchBehavioural change: Theories, frameworks and modelsSocial and sustainability issues: Purpose and focusSTP (segmentation, targeting and positioning): Selecting and understanding audiencesSetting objectives and goalsAudience insights and positioningProduct and pricePlace and promotionMonitoring, evaluation and budgetsImplementation and strategy

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to differentiate between commercial and social marketing, and outline the scope of social and sustainability marketing, seeking out new ideas and opportunities;
be able to critically analyse social and sustainability trends to determine the implications and make recommendations for managerial decision-making;
be able to examine and evaluate the impact of social marketing campaigns on behaviour;
be able to reflect on a range of contemporary social issues using multiple perspectives;
be able to use secondary research skills to collect, collate, monitor and use data to support social marketing strategies;
be able to critically analyse, discuss and evaluate social marketing strategies theories; and
be able to apply marketing techniques and theories to develop creative and well-balanced solutions for business aimed at alleviating social, economic, environmental and sustainability concerns.

Assumed knowledge

Assumed knowledge in this subject is equivalent to that covered in MKT110.